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Most gas BBQs are not compatible with coal. If you wish to give your food a smoky flavour, add a foil pouch or smoker box filled with wood chips to your set-up. Or, choose a dual fuel BBQ for versatility!
You won’t notice a difference in taste with high-heat foods that are cooked quickly or seared– like burgers, steaks or vegetables. For indirect, low-and-slow traditional BBQ, most prefer the taste of charcoal. But you can achieve similar results with a gas BBQ – just add wood chips to a foil pouch or smoker box and place on your burners.
Gas grills are the quickest and easiest BBQs to clean; just wipe the surfaces and heat deflectors after use. Charcoal BBQs produce ash, which can be messier. Top tip: It's easier to clean cooking grates while they're still hot. A good quality grill brush and grill cleaner are recommended.