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Helpful Information

  • 1. Do I need frost free technology?

      Many modern freezers now come with frost free technology. It's definitely a feature to look out for, as it can save you the tedious task of manually defrosting your freezer.

  • 2. What style is best for my kitchen?

      With so many freezers to choose from, it's a good idea to think carefully what you'll be using it for and where it will be going. If your kitchen on the smaller side, perhaps an under counter or an integrated design would best suit your space. If you've got a large family and need some extra storage space then think about a chest freezer or a freestanding freezer, maybe a model that's suitable for the garage?

  • 3. How much space do I need for a new freezer?

      Measure your available space carefully, you don't want it to be too tight a fit, as you'll need to leave a 2-3cm gap around the sides of the freezer and a 5cm gap at the back. This ensures the freezer can work at its best.

  • 4. What size do I need?

      All our freezers will let you know in litres how big a capacity they have. A freezer with a capacity of 65L will store around 3 bags worth of shopping, which is fine for an individual or couple, while a 250L freezer can fit up to 13 bags worth of shopping - much more practical for larger households.

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