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Dishwasher not draining?

There could be several reasons why your dishwasher isn’t draining properly. A sure sign is an unusual amount of standing water left behind, whether you have a slim line or full-size dishwasher. This could indicate a blockage in your filter or draining hose obstructing the water flow, which may need to be cleared of trapped food debris or grease, or you may have a kinked draining hose. Another potential issue could be a faulty drain pump or a problem with your sink’s water supply or central draining system.
For any such blockages, read our How to unblock a dishwasher guide to learn what you can do step by step. If a persistent amount of water is still not draining, you may need to contact an engineer to diagnose and resolve.
However, it’s worth considering that your dishwasher not fully draining could be completely normal, too. Read our ‘Water in the Dishwasher when not in use’ to learn more.

Is there a way to force a dishwasher to drain?

We advise checking your manual for further information as it depends on the model of the dishwasher and whether there is even a function to drain your dishwasher forcibly. Check our wide range of Hotpoint dishwashers, Bosch dishwashers, AEG dishwashers and more.

Otherwise, there are steps to take to help drainage along and to prevent future drainage problems from occurring, especially if you’ve invested in a top brand like Samsung or Bosch. This includes keeping on top of maintenance, such as checking and cleaning the filter regularly, checking the draining hose and running a hot water cycle to flush out debris.

dishwasher not draining

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