Hotpoint HM325FF Frost Free 50/50 Integrated Fridge Freezer
Bringing together superior storage and a wealth of technology that are designed to keep your food fresh, the Aquarius HM 325 FF2 Built-In Fridge Freezer is a great addition to any kitchen. With its reversible hinges, this stylish fridge freezer can fit into any corner of your kitchen.
Ideal for larger households, this built-in fridge freezer has a 228L capacity which is made up of 2 glass shelves and 2 dedicated salad bins, perfectly designed to keep veggies and salad crisp. The freezer section is made up of 4 clear-fronted freezer compartments, allowing you to quickly identify where your ingredients are. Hotpoint's Frost Free tech uses improved cold air circulation to prevent ice-build up meaning you'll never have to defrost again.
Key Features
- Total Capacity: 228 Litres or 12 bags of food shopping
- Fridge Capacity: 150 Litres
- Freezer Capacity: 78 Litres
- Automatic defrost in fridge
- A+ energy efficiency rating
- Total no frost technology meaning there is no need to manually defrost this appliances
- 2 salad bins
- 2 glass shelves
- Full width bottle balcony
- Reversible doors to ensure you can have the appliance just the way you want it
- Height: 174cm
- Width: 54.5cm
- Depth: 58cm
Question from Julie: Asked on 22/11/2012 What capacity in litres does the freezer section have please?