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Beko 576 Litre Side By Side American Style Fridge Freezer - Black Stainless Steel

SKU: ASD2341VB Quickfind Code: 1515018
SAVE 21%
Energy Label

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* Calls cost 13p per min plus your network access charge

Integrated Fixing Type
Side By Side American Fridge Freezer Four Door American Fridge Freezer French Door American Fridge Freezer

Air Flow Cooling vents in the fridge and freezer maintain an even temperature on every shelf level and rapidly restores the temperature after the door has been opened.

Side Wall LED Lighting Find exactly what you're looking for quickly and easily thanks to our side LED lighting which provides a better spread of illumination across your fridge shelves.

Key Features

  • Harvestfresh Innovative 3 colour light technology in the salad crisper drawer, cleverly mimics the natural 24 hour sun cycle to preserve vitamins in your fruit and veg for longer
  • Non Plumbed Water Dispenser Chilled water on tap without the need to plumb anything in.
  • NeoFrost Dual Cooling Two separate fans and evaporators help to maintain optimal humidity and freshness in the fridge and a dry frost free environment in the freezer.
  • Advanced electronic touch control LED display gives you complete control at your fingertips without ever having to open the doors, saving you time and energy.
  • Chrome wire wine rack is a stylish and convenient way to safely store your bottles of wine. It is also ideal for 2 litre soft drink bottles.
  • Fast freeze setting quickly freezes fresh food to preserve the taste and nutrients.
  • Quick cool provides a rapid cooling process while keeping nutritional food values and flavours intact.
  • Door open alarm will sound if you accidentally leave the door ajar.

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