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How much does it cost to run a dehumidifier 24 hours a day?

Making your home as energy efficient as possible has become a top priority, mostly where the cost of living is concerned. This has resulted in taking a closer look at the devices we use daily, such as dehumidifiers.

Let us show you how you can save money while maintaining a damp-free home.

How much does a dehumidifier cost to run?

Collectively, it depends on your dehumidifier’s power consumption (wattage) - the amount of energy it needs to function, your electricity rate, the type of dehumidifier you go for, its energy rating, and how big it is.

It’s easy enough to work out the cost ourselves by looking at the wattage alone and then working out the kilowattage from that. To answer your question how much energy does a dehumidifier use? We have to work out the kW. To work out how many kilowatts (kW) your dehumidifier needs, divide the wattage (W) by 1000.

Why kilowattage?

Electricity is sold by kilowatt-hour (kWh), which refers to units on your electricity bill.

So, for a total running cost, we multiply the kilowattage (kW) by the amount of time it’s used (number of hours), then multiply by the cost of electricity in pence (kWh).

Let us help you work it out using this handy calculator:

W x No. of hours x kWh (formula to convert W into kW before multiplying by No. of hours)

Many other factors can impact your dehumidifier’s energy use, such as water extraction rate, where it’s going to be used, whether it’s in a heated or unheated room, time of year and if it features a humidistat.

For more information on how dehumidifiers work, check out our how-to guide.

It’s worth noting that they produce heat naturally, so you don’t need to use your central heating as much. However, you don’t need to run them 24 hours a day, but, if continuous use is unavoidable, we advise the following to minimise costs.

How much does it cost to run a dehumidifier 24 hours a day?
How much does it cost to run a dehumidifier 24 hours a day?
  • First, invest in an energy-saving dehumidifier

    A low-energy dehumidifier not only reduces overall running costs but also means long-term savings over time. It’s much more environmentally friendly, too, as it uses less energy and has a smaller carbon footprint. Plus, due to a low wattage operation, it’ll be quieter, which is also beneficial for prolonged use.

  • Then, set the humidistat level

    If your dehumidifier comes with a humidistat setting, you can control the humidity level in the space that it’s in. Set it to your desired humidity level and once reached, it’ll automatically shut off and only be in operation to get to the humidity level you’ve set it at and keep it in check – saving you money on your electricity bills.

  • Finally, empty the water tank regularly

    A full water tank can reduce efficiency, so frequent emptying ensures optimal performance, so it’ll last longer and require fewer repairs. It’ll also prevent any water overflow from causing damage, minimise the risk of mould and mildew growth, improving air quality.

  • Keep on top of maintenance

    Keeping your dehumidifier free of dirt and grime ensures it’ll keep working at its best and extend your dehumidifier’s lifespan. Cleaning the filters ensures unobstructed airflow and allows moisture to be extracted efficiently, whereas a clogged filter forces the unit to work harder. If properly maintained, you can avoid costly repairs and save money in the long run.

How much energy does a dehumidifier use vs a tumble dryer?

Some dehumidifiers have a laundry mode setting to help dry clothes as well as remove excess moisture, preventing dampness and improving air quality.

While a tumble dryer dries your clothes faster, its higher wattage means that it uses more energy. If you’re looking for the most cost-effective way to dry your laundry, buy a dehumidifier for drying clothes. They might run for longer, but their lower power consumption makes them more energy efficient, plus if you’re in a humid climate or have limited ventilation, a dehumidifier has much more to offer.

The cost difference can also depend on your electricity rate, the dehumidifier size compared to a tumble dryer and the tumble dryer’s energy efficiency, as some newer models are designed to be energy efficient.

Need more information about dehumidifiers? We have a full dehumidifier guide to help answer all your questions.

Our most energy efficient dehumidifiers

A best-selling, quiet dehumidifier

SAVE 29%

A low energy dehumidifier from Meaco

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